RAW CLASSIC kingsize SLIM + ferdigrullede filtere + ekstra filterblokk
RAW CLASSIC King Size (110 mm) Connoiseur + ferdigfiltere
32 papir per hefte + 24 filtere.
Inkludert i prisen et RAW filterhefte med 50 filtere.
Enjoy your favourite smoke in its purest RAW form. Try RAW Natural Rolling Papers and experience the difference to suit the most discerning smoking connoisseur.RAW are pure, less processed rolling papers unlike anything else that you have ever seen or smoked. Because they contain a hybrid blend of unbleached (not chlorine whitened) fibers, the paper is a translucent natural light brown color. RAW is so thin that you can see through it. Each paper is watermarked with RAW's patented CrissCross watermark. This special watermark helps prevent runs and maintains the smooth even-burning characteristics that RAW are famous for.