

"Merskum (av ty. Meerschaum, "havskum"), sepiolitt, et vannholdig magnesiumsilikat, forvitringsprodukt av serpentin. Grått el. hvitlig, flyter på vann. Brukt til pipehoder og prydgjenstander. Berømt forekomst i Eskisehir, Tyrkia."  ....fra Cappelens leksikon

Piper laget av MERSKUM er en fornøyelse å røyke med. De er veldig dyre, men hvis du tar vare på den, vil du ha en pipe for livet. De er en røykers BESTE VALG og for hver gang du røyker på den, vil den smake bedre og bedre, men bare hvis du renser den hver gang. Etter lang tids bruk vil pipen få en brunlig farge og etter mange år vil den se ut som marmor eller gammelt elfenbein.


Simply put, because it affords a unique smoking experience. Meerschaum is the most flavorful and beautiful pipe you can own.  

Meerschaum - one of the most porous substances found in nature -  

Acts as a filter, absorbs tobacco tars and nicotine, and yields a most satisfying smoke.  

Meerschaum smokes cool and dry with a flavor unrivaled by any other pipe.  

As it ages, meerschaum colors a rich honey-brown, improving both in appearance and taste.


Meerschaum Pipes - with a minimum of proper care - will last for a lifetime.
They will not burn out as briars do.

A meerschaum is an investment in smoking pleasure. As beautiful as meerschaum is to the eye, its true beauty must be experienced. A meerschaum is made to smoke. Hold it. Enjoy its light weight and silky feel, its distinctive taste, its ripening to a mellow golden-brown. Justly deserving its reputation as the "aristocrat" of pipes, the meerschaum is not meant for the connoisseur alone. All pipe smokers can appreciate the unique pleasure of meerschaum.

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  1. Merskum rister
    Merskum rister
    15,00 kr
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