Poker filterblokk

Poker filterblokk

OCB Slim filtere

OCB Slim filtere

TUNE og ACTITUBE kullfiltere

39,00 kr
Tilgjengelighet: På lager


TUNE aktive kullfiltere

Velg mellom:
TUNE eske med
10 filtere 8 mm
TUNE eske med
40 filtere 8 mm
ACTITUBE X-TRA SLIM, eske med 50 filtere 6 mm UTSOLGT
ACTITUBE SLIM ,eske med 50 filtere 7 mm UTSOLGT
ACTITUBE X-tra SLIM, KONETE eske med 50 filtere 6 mm  UTSOLGT


Den aktiverte karbonen i disse filterne filtrerer ut mesteparten av de skadelige kondensatene i røyken, og lar dem forbli i filteret.


Tune carbon filters allow for more smoking enjoyment due to activated carbon!

The activated carbon in the Tune activated carbon filter filters most of the harmful condensates out of the smoke, leaving it in the Tune activated carbon filter and can easily be disposed. Makes the smoke very mild without impairing the effect.
The special end cap of the Tune activated carbon filters does not get clogged in joints in contrast to customary activated carbon filters and keeps the condensation liquid away from the mouth!

Other advantages of the Tune activated carbon filters:
+ improved taste
+ less affected lungs
+ harsh blends become milder
+ easier pure smoking


How Tune activated carbon filters filter without impairing the effect:
When you smoke a certain amount of active agents and/or pollutants remains clinging on the surface of the lungs, there is still rest smoke when you exhale. Therefore, the composition of the inhaled smoke is extremely important. In the case of smoke containing "special substances" the Tune activated carbon filter filters predominantly the harmful condensate from the smoke and changes thereby the condensate-"special substance" ratio in favor of the "special substance"

How many times can you use an ActiTube?
It is possible to use the actiTube activated charcoal filter more than one time.
Of course it also depends on the amout of smoke substances you use, but you can say,
with a cigaret you can use it ca. 2-3 times and pipes up to ca. 5 times.